Adunchi (Hooked)
, 2010Metal bars and plates, nuts, bolts
Various dimensions
Adunchi is a very open, articulated project. It is one, big, cutting sharp thought.
Conceived in 2010 for the second solo exhibition at the T293 gallery, it consists of three sculptural pieces, a series of drawings and a series of prints.
A fourth sculptural piece of the Adunchi series was conceived and executed for the exhibition Terre Vulnerabili (vulnerable lands), Hangar Bicocca, Milan 2010.
I may explain these sculptural works by mentioning Dülfer’s climbing technique, a special progression used in rock climbing which involves a continuous opposition based on the traction of one’s hands and on the push of one’s feet against the rock. It is used to climb on cracks, flakes and rocks with dihedrals and it sets one’s limbs on a single ideal level.
Adunchi have the plastic, tiring elegance of this movement. They exhibit hooked bodies, bodies that are totally protruding into the space, totally exposed.
While walking underneath, one cannot display detachment. One cannot feel safe with blades piercing an air void just above one’s head. Gravity and weight belong to them. Theirs is the possibility of falling to the ground.
I think there is always something that is cunningly cruel in an exposed body. Something that is hard to bear. Something dangerous.
- Alberto Tadiello, Adunchi (Hooked), metal bars and plates, nuts, bolts, 110 x 190 x 140 cm, 2010
- Alberto Tadiello, Adunchi (Hooked), metal bars and plates, nuts, bolts, 110 x 140 x 110 cm, 2010
- Alberto Tadiello, Adunchi (Hooked), metal bars and plates, nuts, bolts, 110 x 140 x 110 cm, 2010
- Alberto Tadiello, Adunchi (Hooked), metal bars and plates, nuts, bolts, 450 x 80 x 160 cm, 2010